registration4all offers you in particular :
- FREE opening of a single account for all your events,
- complete customization of registration forms (content, visual elements),
- upload of medical certificates and licenses by Internet,
- automatic license verification by the FFA and the FFTRI,
- compatibility with all current digital media (PC, Mac, Smartphone, Tablet),
- compatibility with many timing software (LOGICA / FFA, GmCAP, GmDAG, GmIPICO, Roadwin, ...), with Microsoft EXCEL / CSV, and usable by all timekeepers,
- and many others new features (see document below) : independent management of cancellations-refunds, opening-closing of registrations online, quotas, statistics consultation, ...
Discover all the features of registration4all in this document:
> Les services Le-Sportif.com pour les organisateurs
> Download the detailed file (PDF)
> Lire l'interview (PDF) - Running Coach 41 (apports, perspectives, ...)